From the Blog

Our Daughter Did It!

Our Daughter Did It!

Our oldest daughter Brittany became the first person to conquer California's Condor Trail last month. Quite a feat. We have always know Britt to be one persistent young lady who likes a challenge. Here is another example of that: [button...

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One Billion Young People

One Billion Young People

Here is a powerful quote from the early 90's that is as relevant today as when I first heard it: One billion young people will pass between the critical ages of thirteen and twenty three this decade. One billion young people on the move. They will rarely...

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My Take on the Noah Movie

My Take on the Noah Movie

I finally mustered the courage this week to buck all the “don’t bother to see it” hype (from fellow Christians) and saw the movie Noah. Frankly, I was impressed with it on a number of levels. OK, I will admit I found the use of rock men to convey the concept of...

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Go For It!

Go For It!

Do the Dream! Been thinking about stepping out and diving into something that has been on your heart? This couple would like to encourage you to take the dive! I think my encouragement to some people who are in the brink of something that could radically change...

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Sex Trafficking Shelter On Our Back Porch

Sex Trafficking Shelter On Our Back Porch

Sex Trafficking Shelter in Houston We must never forget the plight of those more unfortunate than ourselves. Our generation is under incredible attack. Human trafficking of children is exploding in America. Young people are being literally branded by traffickers and...

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The King Is Here

The King Is Here

Tomorrow a New Year will be born. But for me, the thought still lingers that the King was born, and the King is HERE, ready to chaperone us into the future. Because of Him, the crossing into another January is one that is filled with hope and purpose. Here is a...

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Investing In Your Marriage

Investing In Your Marriage

Brad Pitt Writes A Love Letter to Angelina Jolie Marriage is a sacred institution precisely because it speaks to the heart of who you are as a man or a woman. Is it possible to be true to  who you are, pursue your dreams and pour your heart out in love for a...

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Surprise Tribute To Nelson Mandela

Surprise Tribute To Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela was a great man--a Titan of our generation. The key to his greatness was his disarming humility and a willingness to see the big picture. For those who perhaps don't appreciate just how great this man was, I highly recommend The Long Walk To Freedom....

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true north ambition

About Me

Having served all of my adult life championing young people on four continents, I am now depositing my life into my kids every chance I get, loving and serving my wife, and daily taking baby steps into the unknown realm of God’s call. Out there, beyond the horizon, through the smoke and dust and noise, I have a glimpse of the place called True North. This blog is my discovery journal.