Living the Adventure!

Lighthouse Prayer Network

Lighthouse Prayer Network is a hub for people of all walks of life who want to advance God’s kingdom on the earth through prayer. We believe the united prayer of God’s people is pivotal in God’s purposes.

John’s Blog

Having served all of my adult life championing young people on four continents, I am now depositing my life into my kids every chance I get, loving and serving my wife, and daily taking baby steps into the unknown realm of God’s call. 

Stasia’s Blog

I am a saved by grace sharer of hope ~ a tea-drinking Missionary Momma and homeschooling mother of six beautiful children ~ on the adventure of a lifetime.Throughout our 36 years of marriage, my husband and I have served on the mission field, sharing the Gospel with at risk young people and families on four continents.

Lifeverse Books

Long before the coffee starts brewing, we are searching publishers and authors for the best Christian book deals to share here at LifeVerse Books. Today’s list of FREE and Discounted Kindle Daily Deals is a plethora of delight for the avid book-lover. With absolutely dozens of books to choose from, there is something for just about everyone! A percentage of every book purchased goes directly to the Nielsen Family ministry.

Highlights of Our Ministry in Pictures

Gallery Coming Soon…


He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.

~Jim Elliot

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