Nielsen Family Summer 2021 Update

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Lake Chapala!

Here’s a quick update of what’s going on in our neck of the woods…

“From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream Waters…”

Our 6-week road trip through the Western US was a wonderful, refreshing getaway for the whole family. We had the opportunity to see the Rockies in Utah with Chelsey, spend a couple of weeks in Seattle with John’s big sister Birdie, connect with his little sister Janice in Vancouver, Washington (who he had lost contact with and hadn’t seen for 25 years!), hike through the Redwoods along the northern California coast, kayak in the Sierra Nevada foothills, gaze at the seals on the San Diego coastline, and spend a couple nights in Tombstone, Arizona before heading back through Texas into Mexico.

During our trip we chased Lighthouses, pondered the state our country is in, and called upon the Lord for His grace.

We arrived in Chapala just as the rainy season began, enjoying a late night rainstorm to welcome us home! We snapped a photo of an amazing double rainbow arching over the lake onchapala rainbow our first week back. Such a tangible reminder of the promises of God!

Destiny: Ready to Launch

We are really excited to see what God has done in Destiny’s life, and what He is yet to do! After a tough 2020, her recovery down here in Mexico with us has been remarkable. Her passion for the Lord is stronger than ever and having her down here has really opened Noah up (they are very close—she champions him.)

That said, we are going to have to let her go for a season as she leaves for her “Fire and Fragrance” Discipleship Training School in Kona, Hawaii, in September. This  6-month YWAM school is just like the one we attended on Kona 36 years ago! It involves 3 months of lecture and 3 months of outreach, focusing on knowing God and making Him known.  This particular DTS specializes in photography, filmmaking, design and storytelling, which fits nicely with her Communications/History double major at TAMIU. Here is a short clip explaining the school: FIRE AND FRAGRANCE MEDIA FOCUS

John put together a website for Destiny so people can find out more about her launch. You can check it out below.

God is At Work: Don’t Lose Heart!

Isaiah 43:19 says “Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert.”

God is at work. Yet much to our dismay, He does His initial work underground, in the darkness, in the deep place. We so want Him to break forth in clear deliverance. Our sense of justice calls for action! But it is “through Faith and Patience” that we inherit the promise! (Hebrews 6:12)

So much prayer has gone up for America, not only in our country, but around the world. These prayers were not in vain. Galatians 6:9 says: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

We thank you for your prayers for our ministry and family. We need God’s protection and provision more than ever. Thank you for standing with us!

In His Mighty Grip,

Nielsen Summer 2021 Update

A Note From Destiny Rose

Hey y’all!💕
I’m moving to the Big Island to attend a discipleship training school🥰 it’s something that has been on my heart since probably the 9th grade? (About 7 years ago—which is absolutely crazy to think omg). I’ve been praying for the right timing & as everyone knows, 2020 was the worst year for all of us due to the pandemic. I realized that life doesn’t wait around— God places things in your heart to take root & grow🌿 So these past couple of years my dream to go to a school where I’ll learn more about Jesus & spreading the gospel has taken root & grown so deep in my heart that I can’t put if off any longer!! I’m taking the dive into where He’s calling me & I feel complete peace about it💞 Not only that, but I’ve seen confirmation after confirmation that this is meant to be!! He’s such a loving Father!!!✝️☀️
If any of you guys would like to donate to my dreams of discovering Jesus more deeply— I would greatly appreciate it!!!❤️ & I definitely want & need all the prayers I can get

John and Stasia Nielsen

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