Early Spring Greetings from the Nielsen Family!

Dear Friends and Family,
Greetings from Lake Chapala! Thanks for allowing us to share with you a couple of important updates.
Pray for Stasia
Stasia still continues to work a full time, grueling schedule in San Antonio. She contracted a bad case of the flu last month and lost several days of work. Thankfully she made a full recovery, but as I write this it appears she will have to cancel her trip to visit Noah and I later this month because of the financial setback resulting from her illness. While this is a looming disappointment for all of us, we are trusting the Lord and placing it in His hands.
Please pray for continued strength and rest as Stasia powers on at work. God has really anointed and blessed her role at the hospital, but we look forward to the day when she can come back home.
New Donation Instructions
Secondly, we want to announce that beginning this year, we will be processing all donations through Sozo Charities International. Sozo is the umbrella for Justice for Youth, the human trafficking awareness organization I helped launch back in 2010. As a founding member of JFY and Sozo, I continue to serve these global ministries by volunteering my webmaster and iT services and supporting them in prayer.
Sozo is making a HUGE IMPACT in the lives of at-risk children and families around the world, which is what Stasia and I have been striving to do over 40 years of ministry, so it’s a perfect fit!
Celebrating Our 40th Anniversary
This year Stasia and I will be celebrating our 40 years of marriage and mission service. As many of you know, the month after our wedding I led a team to the Los Angeles Olympic Outreach, where 1600 churches across the city ministered to people from all nations of the world. Soon after that we said goodbye to all of our friends in California and embarked on a missionary journey over the next four decades chasing God-inspired dreams on four continents. And here we are.
What an adventure! Raising a family on the mission field and dedicating our gifts and energies to answer His call has been a priceless privilege for us. We have experienced challenges along the way, but can testify that each one has been matched by God’s amazing grace and provision!
To commemorate this special year and all that God has done these past forty years, we published two books this month. “Teach Your Children Well: A Parent’s Guide to Transformational Homeschooling” and “Food Memoirs.” FOOD MEMOIRS is a collection of stories and recipes we acquired on our missions journey.
We Need Your Support
We appreciate your generosity at this time in helping us forge through some of the challenges we presently face.
As missionaries in Mexico, the surge of inflation and the devaluation of the dollar has done a double whammy on our personal economy. We are receiving 25% less income due to the exchange rates and we are battling a fast-rising cost of living here in Mexico due to inflation. For nearly a month we have been trying to get our refrigertor fixed, only to dicover that due to part shortages we will need to purchase a new one. Please pray with us as we forge through these challenges!
May the Lord bless and keep you
In His Mighty Grip,