The Nielsen Family

Prayer Update ~ April 22, 2020


Dear Friends,

Greetings from Lake Chapala!

Today is a special day for a number of reasons. First, 53 years ago today, John’s 17 year old sister–Darlene Sue Nielsen– went to be with Jesus. She died early on a Saturday morning of a respiratory infection, as 10 year old “Johnny” was getting ready for little league try-outs.

Today there are many in our country and around the world whose lives have been rocked by the COVID-19 virus. Loved ones lost. People struggling without a job or hope for the future. Small business owners whose lives have been instantly crushed. This is a season when people everywhere are turning to God in prayer, in many cases out of sheer desperation. This is a recipe for revival, a glorious opportunity to see people swept into the kingdom of God, and a chance for all believers to go deep with God.

In Mexico the Wave Is Rising

Here in Mexico, the COVID “wave” is a few weeks behind the US. The wave is rising. Most everyone wears a mask now, and while not everyone stays at home, we do have police vehicles driving through the neighborhood using their loudspeakers to remind them that they should.

This week we got a call from a pastor who represents a number of pastors and their families who are hungry and without food. Stasia knew when she took the call that we don’t have the funds. But she was able to post something on her Facebook Page and God provided enough donations to feed 15 families for a week! We put together the food packages this morning and the pastor dropped by to take delivery. God is good!

Prayer Requests and an Encouragement

We have some prayer requests for you to check out below. And remember: you can Submit A Prayer Request  to us directly which we will post on our LightHouseNetwork Prayer Wall.

Also, you will want to read our latest blog: “Our Come to Jesus Moment.” We know God is at work in all of our lives, individually, locally, nationally, and globally. We hope this blog encourages you!

We appreciate your prayers for our family during this time!

May the Lord bless and keep you…

In His Mighty Grip,

John and Stasia

"Our Come To Jesus Moment"

come to Jesus moment

This is our opportunity now, more than ever before. Let’s call it a convenient conversion, a timely transition, a ready-made remedy for what ails us. We are driven people, and what drives us is not always wholesome.

We can trust Jesus. He is a friend who sticks closer than a brother…

Pray For Melissa

This prayer request is from a dear friend of ours who was in John’s youth group in the early 80’s. She was on the team he took to the ’84 LA Olympic outreach. She went on to serve in missions, and our paths crossed on the field. She is in desperate need of prayer.

Pray for Randy

Randy is a dear friend. He owns Laredo Stepping Stone, where we served for 7 years (until last August). He was admitted to ICU last week. He was diagnosed with stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer and Lung Cancer.

Delivering the food to the pastor today in front of our house.

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